Free Text Comparison Tool

1. What's a compare text?

Compare text, also known as text comparison or diff, is a tool that allows you to find differences between two set of texts. It provides a visual representation of the differences between the two texts, by highlighting the words that has been added, removed, or modified.

Text comparison is used in many different scenarios, including:

  • Collaborative writing and editing: When multiple people work on the same document, comparing different versions of the document can help identify the changes made by each contributor.
  • Plagiarism detection: Text comparison tools can be used to check for similarities between two different documents to identify potential cases of plagiarism.
  • Legal document review: Comparing different versions of legal contracts can help identify the changes made during negotiations.
  • Proofreading: Comparing an original document with its different version of itself makes it easier to to review the changes made by an editor or proofreader.

2. How to compare two sets of text?

To compare two sets of text, you can follow these steps:

  • Gather two sets of text that you want to compare.
  • In the "Enter original text here..." textarea, paste or type the first set of text you want to compare.
  • In the "Enter changed text here..." textarea, paste or type the second set of text you want to compare.
  • Click the "Compare" button to initiate the text comparison.
  • Our text comparison tool will process the two sets of text and display the comparison result below the "Result:" heading.
  • The comparison result will be shown in two columns and will highlight the differences between the two sets of text using different background colors:
    • Words that are present in the first set but missing in the second set will be highlighted with a red background.
    • Words that are present in the second set but missing in the first set will be highlighted with a yellow background.

It's really that simple to compare two sets of text.

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