How to install Bootstrap in Sveltekit? A Step-by-Step Guide
1 min read

How to install Bootstrap in Sveltekit? A Step-by-Step Guide

In this tutorial, I'll demonstrate how to integrate Bootstrap with SvelteKit to help you create responsive and visually appealing web applications.

Setting up the SvelteKit project:

npx degit sveltejs/kit-template bootstrap-example
cd bootstrap-example
npm install

move into the project directory, and install bootstrap.

npm install bootstrap

Integrating Bootstrap CSS:

To apply Bootstrap styles, it's necessary to import the CSS file. Head over to src/routes/ directory and create a new file called +layout.svelte and add the following lines:

  import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

<slot />

Congratulations! You've now successfully installed Bootstrap in your SvelteKit project.

Video Tutorial: